Parent FAQs

Whom should I contact if there is an emergency, or for information about the academic program or academic support services?

If your son or daughter has a minor illness and is capable of contacting his or her professors, then he or she should do so. Contact information for professors is available on course syllabi and in the College Campus Directory.

If there is a serious illness, you should contact Director of Academic Advisement and Student Success, Ms. Heather Wotton, or Associate Dean Edwards. (It is better to contact Associate Dean Edwards if your son or daughter is considering withdrawing for the term.)

Associate Dean Edwards
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
(203) 773-8068

Ms. Heather Wotton
Director of Academic Advisement and Student Success
(203) 773-8558

Where can I find information about academic program requirements, academic rules and regulations, and my son or daughter’s academic progress?

The Albertus Magnus College Traditional Undergraduate Program Catalogue contains information about academic program requirements and academic rules and regulations. The Catalogue can be accessed online at:

Students are also given a Student Handbook, and access to a variety of online services, which they can reach through a central portal called myAlbertus, which can be accessed on the main page of the College’s website. Resources available through the portal include: course materials, transcripts, email, degree audit (a chart showing students’ progress in completing their requirements for a degree), financial aid information, and tuition and fee information.

Finally, students can access midterm and final course grades through the portal. (Please note that grades are not mailed home. They are posted electronically.)

What academic support services are available to students?

Every student is assigned an academic advisor. Once students have declared a major, they work with the appropriate Department Chair.

The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, provides services and advice for students who are struggling academically, including English, Math, Psychology, and Science tutoring, and training in the use of effective study skills.

The Writing Center, housed in the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, provides peer tutoring in written composition.

eTutoring is available online in a variety of disciplines, including writing, math, accounting, information literacy, statistics, biology, and chemistry.

Staff members in Rosary Hall, the College Library, are available to assist students with research projects and in the development of their information literacy skills. In addition to on-ground resources, the library contains extensive access to full-text journals, periodicals, and books online. These resources can be accessed both on and off campus.

Computer Labs are housed in Aquinas Hall, Rosary Hall, and the Tagliatela Academic Center. Also, wireless access is available on campus. To obtain wireless access or to get assistance if technology issues arise, students can contact the ITS help desk at: (203) 773-0205. Free printing is available for students in academic buildings as well.

The Office of Career and Professional Development is housed in the Rosary Hall. The Director, Mr. Patrick Clifford and Associate Director, Sister Rosemary Reynolds, will assist students in identifying appropriate careers, developing effective cover letters and resumes, and cultivating their interview skills. The Office hosts career fairs, brings recruiters to campus, and provides career counseling. Students interested in Study Abroad opportunities may visit the Office of Career and Professional Development for more information.

The Registrar’s Office is housed in Aquinas Hall. Students can make an appointment with the Registrar to review their transcripts and make certain that they are on track academically. Forms for registering for courses, adding and dropping courses, requesting transcripts, etc., are available in the office and online through the MyAlbertus portal.

The Faculty pride themselves on working closely with students to promote their academic success. Small class sizes facilitate a collaborative and collegial environment. Faculty members hold regular office hours (five hours a week), are available by appointment, and also can be contacted online through myAlbertus.

What if my son or daughter has a disability?

Notice: If you need accommodations or assistance, please contact:


More information is available to process accomodation requestions.

Will I receive a grade report for my son or daughter? Will you inform me if my son or daughter is not succeeding academically?

We do not inform parents regarding students’ academic progress. We are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which does not allow the release of grades to third parties, including family members. FERPA does allow release of records without consent to the following:

  • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
  • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
  • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
  • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
  • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
  • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies;
  • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.

Students may obtain a release from the Registrar’s Office that will enable them to designate individuals who can request information about their grades.

What should I do if my son or daughter informs me that he or she is struggling academically?

Encourage your son or daughter to speak with faculty members teaching courses in which he or she is enrolled, and to speak with his or her advisor to determine whether it would be advisable to drop a course or pursue some other option.

Encourage your son or daughter to contact the Academic Dean for the Traditional Undergraduate Program, Associate Dean Edwards (Aquinas Hall, RM 122, (203) 773-8068).

Contact Associate Dean Edwards yourself.  Though FERPA applies, it is possible to provide general information and advice and to offer specific suggestions based on the information you supply.

Please do not contact individual faculty members. They are not at liberty to discuss an individual student’s performance with you.

Review the college’s academic policies and procedures, and contact Associate Dean Edwards in the Office of Academic Affairs if you have any questions so you and your son or daughter can make informed decisions.

Where can my child study on campus?

Some students choose to study in the privacy of their residential hall. However, there are many quiet study spaces available on campus. Rosary Hall in which the library is located has many private rooms which are perfect for solitude and privacy. The Tagliatela Academic Center, Aquinas Hall and Hubert Campus Center, also have private spaces available which are perfect for studying.

What are the criteria for ongoing enrollment and graduation? What must my son or daughter do in order to graduate in four years?

In the broadest terms, it is not enough to attend courses. Students are required to demonstrate a variety of competencies both in their majors and in their general education program in order to graduate.

In addition:

  • Students must successfully meet degree requirements as outlined in the Albertus Magnus College Traditional Undergraduate Catalogue.
  • To graduate, students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
  • To graduate, students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in their chosen major.
  • Students must accumulate 120 credits consisting of credits in required courses, general education, and electives. To successfully earn a degree in four years, students must take an average 15 credits per semester and fulfill all degree requirements.
  • If students fail to make satisfactory academic progress, they initially are placed on academic review and may eventually be academically dismissed. (The criteria for academic review and dismissal are outlined in the College catalogue.)

Do students need a computer on campus?

There are a number of computers on campus in various locations.  There is a computer lab, a cyber-café, and computers available in Rosary Library.  Student may find it helpful and more convenient to have a computer in their residence hall.

Always remember…

We only accept students at Albertus Magnus College whom we believe can succeed, and the overwhelming majority of our students do meet their goals. We look forward to partnering with your sons or daughters and you to make sure that they get the most from their college experiences.

Can a student get a single room in the residence halls?

Students requiring special living requirements will be accommodated as best as possible. There are very few singles which means that not all requests can be granted. Most resident students, especially freshmen, are assigned a roommate. Sharing one’s room establishes a sense of community.

Do students need a car on campus?

Many students who live on campus do have a car. On campus parking is available to all full-time day students. Parking stickers are available in the Student Affairs office. Mass transportation is available through the Connecticut Transit system.  Schedules are available in the Hubert Campus Center.

How much does it cost to do laundry on campus?

Each residence hall has laundry facilities with washing machines and dryers for students to use. All laundry machines are free, but students must supply their own detergent. Students can also view laundry machine availability before carrying their clothes to the laundry room by visiting the Laundry View Website.

How much spending money does a student need each week?

Parents and students should discuss the student’s living habits before he/she comes to campus.  Some student will have work/study jobs on campus.  Others may find jobs in the greater New Haven area.  Some receive a weekly allowance from home.  There are several local banks in the neighborhood.  There is also an ATM in the Hubert Campus Center.

What is the campus alcohol policy?

Albertus Magnus College students who are 21 years of age are allowed to consume alcohol in the privacy of their own room with the door closed or purchase alcohol at a college sanctioned event.  They are not allowed to have under-age guests in their room while alcohol is being consumed.  Those who are under 21 who are found consuming or possessing alcohol, or are in the presence of those doing so illegally, will receive disciplinary action through the college conduct system.

Is there a campus curfew?

There is no set time that students are required to return to their rooms.  Each residence hall does have set times for guest visitation.  Students must register their guests.  No student may have an overnight guest for more than two nights out of seven.  No one under 16 years of age is allowed in the residence halls.

Where do I send packages?

Packages should be sent in the name of your son/daughter to Albertus Magnus College, 700 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511.  You should include his/her campus box number.  Student mailboxes are located in the Hubert Campus Center.  For packages, a note is put into the student’s mailbox indicating that a package has arrived.

Where can students have prescriptions filled?

There are pharmacies and grocery stores nearby that will fill prescriptions.  The campus Health Clinic does not have a pharmacy.

Are students required to have health insurance?

Yes. It is mandatory for all full-time undergraduate students to have health insurance.  If a student already has coverage and does not need the college-sponsored insurance plan, he/she can go online to waive the insurance.  Any student who does not complete the online waiver procedure by the annual deadline date will be automatically enrolled into the college-sponsored plan.

What vaccinations are needed before classes begin?

Students are required to submit a full immunization history and documentation of a physical exam received within the past year before classes begin.  Students must show proof of immunization against measles and rubella.  Resident students are required to show proof of immunization for meningitis. 

For more information about Health Services, please click here.

What security services are available?

There are multiple campus security guards on duty for 24 hours, seven days a week. New Haven police officers are present on campus every evening. The campus is covered by both foot and vehicle patrols. Student can call security in the evening to receive a foot patrol escort to their on campus destination.

How will my child be alerted if there is an emergency situation on campus?

Albertus Magnus Emergency Alert System is a free mass notification system. It enables Albertus students, faculty and staff to receive alerts and updates through a combination of e-mail, text messaging and phone calls in an emergency situation. This will help to keep participants informed of what is happening and any action that they might need to take. The system is tested each semester to ensure it is in proper working order. The College strongly encourages all students, faculty and staff to sign up for the free Albertus Magnus Emergency Alert System as it MAY be used for:

  • Major disaster
  • Safety alerts in situations where there is an immediate potential for personal injury
  • Health concerns
  • Class cancellation due to weather/snow days

Who has access to enter the residence hall that my child is residing in?

Residence Hall front doors have card key access. Each resident has a Falcon ID card which allows them access to open the front door to only their residence hall. Should a resident lose their Falcon ID card, the card can be deactivated. This allows for maximum access control over these doors. In an emergency, doors on this system may be locked or unlocked with a few clicks of the mouse.

For any other questions in regards to campus safety, you may visit here.

Financial Aid FAQs

Do I need to sign and return my award letter to the Financial Aid Office?
You only need to return a signed award letter to the Financial Aid Office if you are declining a portion of or the entire award.

How often will my financial aid funds disburse?
For Undergraduate students, funds are divided and disbursed equally between the fall and spring semesters, for Accelerated Degree Program students, funds are divided and disbursed equally between the Modules, and for New Dimensions students, funds are divided and disbursed equally between Payment Periods. The Financial Aid Office confirms that a student has attended class in all registered courses prior to disbursing any funds. Disbursements happen approximately three weeks into the start of a term.

Why do I have an “out of pocket” or a bill if I have financial aid?
The Financial Aid Office awards a student his/her maximum financial aid eligibility every academic year but at times tuition and fees exceed the student's award amount. Students are responsible for the educational expenses that exceed their award. For alternative financing options, please click here. For annual loan limits, please click here.

Do I need to renew my Financial Aid each year?
Yes. Returning students should complete the FAFSA by the priority deadline April 15 to receive his/her maximum award package. Students must also submit all required documents by the published deadline. Renewal notices are sent approximately two months prior to the end of the current award year to remind students to update their FAFSA. Failure to renew in a timely matter may result in loss of financial aid, out of pocket payments for classes, or withdrawal from the program.

Can I view my missing Financial Aid Documents online?
Yes, you can view your financial aid information, including your missing documents, online using Net Partner. To create your account, click “First Time Users” in the log in section. You will need to use your seven-digit Student ID number and must enter your date of birth in the month/day/four-digit year format (i.e. 1/1/1990).

Where can I find information about the Federal Pell Grant?
Information regarding Federal Pell Grant funds can be found on the U.S. Department of Education's Federal Student Aid page.

Who do I contact about my bill?
The Business Office can assist you with any questions you have on your bill. Visit their website or contact them directly at (203) 773-8504 or (203) 773-8532.

Why did I not receive Federal Work-Study?
Federal Work-Study funds are limited and priority is given to existing students who have already participated in the Federal Work-Study Program. If you are interested in receiving Federal Work-Study, you can contact the Financial Aid Office or place yourself on the Federal Work-Study Waitlist on the myAlbertus Portal. Please note that placement on the Waitlist does not guarantee employment.

What is a good financial literacy resource?
The Financial Aid Office has compiled helpful tools and resources for students to take advantage of on the financial literacywebsite page

What is Selective Service?
Selective Service is the system in place to draft young men into armed service. Though the United States does not currently have a draft, current federal law requires that all males must have registered with Selective Service between the ages of 18 and 25. This is also a requirement for men to be eligible to receive federal financial aid. To register or to check to see if you have registered, go to

How do I know if I have a credit on my account?
Credits on your account have a negative sign in front of the number. Viewing your online statement is the best way to see if you have a credit. To view your statement, log into the myAlbertus Portal, click on "My Account/Web Services," click on "User Account," and then click on "View my Statement." Questions about your statement and/or credit should be directed to the Business Office.

How do I access my Title IV Credit Voucher?
Students with a projected credit on their account must email a request for a Title IV Credit Voucher not to exceed $450 to The Title IV Credit Voucher will be issued electronically for use at the online Albertus Magnus College Bookstore. Please contact the Business Office for more information.

What is a FAFSA?
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the first step in the financial aid application process and helps determine a student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and financial Need. This application needs to be completed for each year that a student is enrolled. The results will be sent electronically to the College as long as the correct School Code (001374) is entered. The FAFSA opens annually on October 1st.

How do I apply for a FSA ID?
All students completing the FAFSA for the first time must apply for an FSA ID. Once activated, the FSA ID will be needed for every FAFSA submission as well as for Entrance Loan Counseling and the Master Promissory Note (MPN). Parents of dependent undergraduate students must also apply for an FSA ID.

Is there a FAFSA Tutorial?
Yes! The Department of Education has created a helpful FAFSA Tutorial.

What is an EFC?
The Expected Family Contribution, or EFC, is a number that is used to determine a student’s eligibility for federal, state, and institutional student aid. This number is calculated from the information inputted into the FAFSA and is used to help determine how much need-based aid for which the student will be eligible.

What is a Student Aid Report (SAR) and why is it important?
A Student Aid Report (SAR) is the report sent back to the student based on the information submitted on the FAFSA. It specifies the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and refers to any issues that need to be resolved. Students should keep a copy of the SAR for their records. The Financial Aid Office receives a copy of the FAFSA 24 hours after a student receives his/her SAR.

Should both of the student's parents be reported on the FAFSA if they are not married but living together?
Yes, both parents should be included on the FAFSA.

What if my parent does not have a Social Security Number (SSN)?
If your parent does not have a SSN, you must enter 000-00-0000 on the FAFSA.

I completed my FAFSA, why are you requesting more documents?
Students interested in receiving federal student loans must complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Loan Counseling. Additionally, if a student is selected for Verification, or has a Correction-Flag on their FAFSA, he/she must submit additional documentation.The Financial Aid Office will notify a student if any additional information or documents are needed to complete the student's financial aid file. All missing documents must be submitted by the published deadline.

What is Verification?
Verification is the process by which the information disclosed on a FAFSA is compared to the student's tax information. Students are selected for Verification by the Department of Education. All students selected are verified by the Financial Aid Office. Students are encouraged to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) when submitting their FAFSA so they do not have to request their Tax Return Transcript from the IRS if they are selected for Verification.

How do I obtain my Tax Return Transcript?
Students who are selected for Verification and who did not use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) when completing the FAFSA must request their Tax Return Transcript from the IRS at either or at 1 (800) 908-9946. There is a “Get Transcript” option at which allows the student or parent to create an account and view and print their Tax Return Transcript immediately.

How long is the Master Promissory Note (MPN) valid?
The Master Promissory Note (MPN) is valid for ten years.

Why is the Entrance Loan Counseling in the form of a quiz?
The quiz format of the Entrance Loan Counseling is pre-selected by the Department of Education to ensure that students are reading and understanding the rights and responsibilities of a loan borrower prior to taking out loans.

I applied for financial aid, why did I receive loans?
Students are awarded according to their financial need and eligibility. The Federal Government considers both loans and grants to be financial aid.

How do I apply for loans?
All students who complete their Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Loan Counseling will be awarded federal loans. Students interested in applying for alternative or private loans should visit for a list of lenders who have worked with Albertus Magnus College over the past three years. Parents interested in applying for a Parent PLUS Loan may complete the application at

What is the difference between Unsubsidized Loans and Subsidized Loans?
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans accrue interest while the student is enrolled at least half-time that the student is responsible for paying back. Federal Direct Subsidized Loans accrue interest while the student is enrolled at least half-time. The Department of Education pays the interest on Subsidized Loans while the student attends at least half-time.

When do I start paying back my loans?
Students who graduate, leave school, withdraw, or drop below half-time enrollment have a six month grace period before they are required to go into repayment.

Which loans am I responsible for repaying?
Students are responsible for all Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, and any borrowed alternative loans taken out in their name. Parents are only responsible for educational loans if they borrow a Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan. Co-signers carry a shared responsibility for repaying alternative loans.

What is a Parent PLUS Loan?
A Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan is a federal loan for which parents of dependent undergraduate students can apply and use to help pay the student’s educational expenses.

Can my parent apply for a Parent PLUS Loan if they have a "credit freeze"?
Parents who have a "credit freeze" with the credit bureaus will need to release the freeze prior to applying for a PLUS Loan as a credit check is required.

Can I start paying back my loans before my six month grace period is over?
Yes, and early repayment is encouraged. Students can contact their loan servicer directly to make payment arrangements at any time. Students can visit the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) website,, for lender contact information and to see a breakdown of all federal loans.

How much will my monthly loan payments be?
You can utilize a Repayment Estimator to estimate your monthly federal student loan payments under each repayment plan.

What is Unusual Enrollment History?
The U.S. Department of Education has added Unusual Enrollment History (UEH) flags to some Student Aid Reports (SARs) beginning in the 2013-2014 school year. These flags identify students with Unusual Enrollment Histories who may have received federal aid at numerous colleges or universities within a short timeframe. Federal Title IV Student Aid cannot be disbursed until a student's Unusual Enrollment History is resolved.

How can I resolve my Unusual Enrollment History?
The Financial Aid Office is required to review your complete enrollment history for any college or university you attended, and requires that you provide official college transcripts from those schools. Additional documentation, such as a doctor's note or hospital bill if you were ill, confirmation of change of address if you had to relocate, proof of unemployment if you became unemployed, a death certificate if there was a death in the family, or a military order if you had a military obligation may also be requested.

What if my Title IV eligibility is denied because of my Unusual Enrollment History?
If you are selected for an Unusual Enrollment History review, you will be denied Title IV eligibility if you fail to submit documents requested by the Financial Aid Office or if there is reason to believe that you are attending the college for the sole purpose of obtaining federal Title IV funds. If your eligibility is denied, you may appeal the decision by contacting the Financial Aid Office.

Tuition FAQs

You can view your account through the Web Services/My Account tile of the myAlbertus portal. Click on View My Statement and then OK.

On or around June 1st for the Fall Semester and November 1st for the Spring Semester

July 15th for the Fall Semester and December 15th for the Spring Semester.

Yes. The College offers a monthly payment plan, through Tuition Assistant, that allows you to make convenient interest-free monthly payments.

Satisfactory financial arrangements need to be in place on or before the due date. This may include enrolling in the Tuition Assistant monthly payment plan. The balance after estimated Financial Aid must be paid in full or included in the Tuition Assistant payment plan. A student who fails to meet his/her financial obligations may not attend classes, live in residence halls, participate in athletic programs, or utilize campus facilities. Students who fail to complete their payment obligations will not be able to register for future terms or receive official transcripts or their diploma.

Albertus Magnus College requires all full-time students to carry health insurance. International students are required to enroll in the school based insurance.

United States based students may enroll in or waive off of the College-sponsored accident and sickness policy. You must waive the student health insurance annually at by the deadline. Students are automatically billed for the student insurance. You must show proof of adequate U.S. based coverage to Gallagher Koster in order to waive the College-sponsored policy in order to reverse the charge on your bill.

Financial Aid recipients with excess federal funds (have a projected credit) may be eligible for a Title IV book voucher: Book vouchers will be issued by the Business Office one week prior to the start and during the first two weeks of each semester, for those who qualify. Students may request an amount equivalent to his/her projected credit for the term, not to exceed $450.00

Albertus Magnus College is committed to protecting the privacy of our student education records. In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the College generally will not share student academic and/or financial records with third parties, including parents, without student consent.

Students can choose to allow Albertus Magnus College to disclose education and/or financial information to certain individuals. To grant permissions, students need to click Add Parent/Guardian/Employer under the My Account/Web Services tile of myAlbertus.

Yes. Full-time day students of Albertus Magnus College holding junior or senior standing may enroll in the Albertus Magnus College Accelerated Degree Program courses, but the adviser and Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Academic Dean must approve them first. For billing purposes, these courses will be considered part of the student's overall load and will be billed at the full-time day program rates (including overload rates for more than 18 credits in any one semester).

Yes. During Summer MOD 5, a day student is allowed to take no more than a grand total of six credits at the Accelerated Degree Program tuition rate. Beyond six credits in the same Summer Mod or subsequent Summer Mods, the student will be required to pay the day program tuition rate.

No. A student will not receive grade reports, be provided an official transcript of one's record, or receive a degree unless the Business Office certifies that all financial obligations to the College have been satisfied. Any student who is in default on a National Direct Student Loan taken at Albertus Magnus College will only be issued an unofficial (without the College seal) transcript.

A degree completion fee of $150 is assessed to all students completing their degree requirements. This fee covers the expense of awarding degrees, recording transactions, and graduation activities. This fee must be paid regardless of participation in the graduation ceremonies or actual receipt of the diploma.

All resident students must pay a dormitory maintenance deposit of $50 in order to be assigned a room. This deposit is refunded at the end of the academic year. The room will be inspected for dorm damage at the end of the academic year. Any damage fees and all other financial obligations must be met before the refund is issued.

The Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") requires Form 1098-T to be mailed by January 31 to all students who had qualified tuition and other related educational expenses paid during the previous calendar year. The information reported on Form 1098-T is intended to help students evaluate their eligibility for education tax credits as part of their Federal Income Tax Return. It is up to the student to determine eligibility for the credits and how to calculate them. More information can be found in IRS Publication No. 970, Tax Benefits for Education. The College utilizes Box 1 to report qualified tuition and related expenses that were paid during the tax year.