Undergraduate Refunds

Albertus Magnus College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.
If a credit balance occurs, the credit will be issued to the student within 14 days. If other institutional charges for the current academic year have been billed within this period, the excess funds will be applied to the current charges. Requests to receive the prior credit will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Before being processed, all refunds are subject to a file review and audit by the Bursar's Office.
All students will be asked to select a refund delivery preference through BankMobile Disbursements.
**Financial aid recipients who wish to have their excess funds returned to their lender should contact the Financial Aid Office as soon as possible to adjust their aid to 'Tuition and Fees Only'**
For more information, please visit BankMobile Disbursements website for refund options or view contract and profile information.
Parent PLUS Loans (PPLUS)
If a credit balance occurs solely due to a Parent Plus Loan Disbursement, the credit will be mailed to the parent via check to his/her home address.
If a credit balance occurs and the Parent PLUS Loan Disbursement occurs on the same day as other financial aid postings, the credit will be issued to the student through the BankMobile process. The student must choose his/her refund delivery preference. Parent Plus Loan recipients who wish to have their excess funds returned to their lender should contact the Financial Aid Office as soon as possible to adjust their aid to "Tuition and Fees Only."
For students who withdraw, drop out, are academically or medically dismissed, or take a leave of absence from the College, the following refund schedule will be applied towards institutional charges. Please be aware that based on the refund calculations applied, a student is responsible for any outstanding charges owed to Albertus Magnus College. All fees (Application Fee, Registration Fee, Add/Drop Fee, Course Lab Fees, Information Technology Fee) are non-refundable.
NOTE: any student who is a financial aid recipient prior to or at the time of withdrawal must see the Director of Financial Aid. For further details, contact the Financial Aid Office.
Tuition Charges Refund Schedule:
Effective 1/1/2020
100% Refund during the add/drop period
0% Refund after the add drop period ends
Room and Board Charges Refund Schedule:
Please note that the housing contract is for an academic year, and refunds are only offered if the student is approved to be released from the contract per the terms of the agreement.
90% Before the end of the first (1st) week of classes
80% Before the end of the second (2nd) week of classes
70% Before the end of the third (3rd) week of classes
60% Before the end of the fourth (4th) week of classes
0% After the end of the fourth (4th) week of classes
NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN when a student is suspended or expelled from a residence hall due to a disciplinary action.

Albertus Magnus College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.
For more information, please visit BankMobile Disbursements website for refund options or view contract and profile information.