Temporary Accommodations

Temporary Accommodations Policy

Albertus Magnus College understands that, during the course of an academic year, students may
require temporary accommodations. These accommodations can be granted in the instance that the
student is working through a significant, yet temporary, impairment, which would include things
such as illnesses, broken bones, concussions, recovery from surgery, etc.

Applying for Temporary Accommodations

If you feel that you qualify, or will qualify (In the case of scheduled medical procedures) for
temporary accommodations, please follow the below guidelines to request temporary

  1. Complete the application for temporary accommodations. The application will ask your
    timeline for needing accommodations. While not every impairment will have a definite
    timeline, please work with your provider to determine an approximate deadline.
    1. If temporary accommodations need to be extended you will be able to work with the
      Accessibility Office.
  2. Submit supporting documentation from a licensed provider. The documentation should
    include the following:
    1. A clear statement of the temporary condition, symptoms and approximate expected
      length of condition
    2. Current impact on daily functioning and learning, and
    3. Provider recommendations.
  3. Meet with a staff member from the Accessibility Office. This brief meeting will allow you to
    articulate your needs to the Accessibility Office.

After applying, the Office will work to provide appropriate, temporary accommodations in a timely
manner. Temporary accommodations may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Notetaking Assistance
  • Alternative Information Access Methods (Such as Text-to-Speech)
  • Considerations for Extended Deadlines
  • Appropriate Housing Accommodations

Extended Absences

Students who expect to, or due to severe illness will, miss classes for an extended period of time
traditional undergraduate students should contact Dr. Ross Edwards, and Accelerated Adult
undergraduate and graduate students should contact Ms. June Sangapore, as soon as possible.
Working with the Dean, students should coordinate with faculty how best to stay up-to-date with
their work while absent. These extended absences will, in most cases, not require a formal
accommodation from the Accessibility Office.