Academic Advisement

Traditional Undergraduate Program

At every stage in their academic careers, Albertus students benefit from experienced guidance in planning a course of study. Entering first-year and transfer students are advised by specially trained first-year academic advisors. 

Students formally declare a major after they have earned at least twelve credits and before they register for more than forty-five credits. At that point, a faculty advisor in the major, and a career counselor are added to the students’ academic success team. 

While students are required to see their academic advisor prior to registration each semester, they are also encouraged to seek advice whenever any questions or concerns may arise.

Students may schedule an appointment with one of their advisors via Navigate.

Professional and Graduate Studies

Accelerated Degree Program

New students in the Accelerated Degree Program meet with their academic advisor prior to beginning a degree program. Academic advisors assist students in assessing their educational and professional goals, selecting classes, and planning a program of study.

Students are assigned a departmental faculty advisor after they have earned 36 credits and declared their major. Academic Advisors work closely with the faculty advisor and continue to be an integral part of the students overall experience.

Graduate Programs

Academic advisement in the program is accomplished by appointment with the program director, who assists individual students with course planning, registration, and regular academic reviews.

A faculty advisor is assigned to each student to assist in the planning of the student's individual course of study. The advisor assists the student in selecting courses during the registration time period for each semester. The academic advisor is available to meet with the student by appointment throughout the semester.

Mission & Vision

Academic Advisors at Albertus Magnus College are dedicated to providing quality, holistic advisement that supports student development and success. Advisors are committed to support, mentor, and teach students how to develop their strengths in order to achieve their academic goals. Advisors encourage students to actively engage in their educational journey through the utilization of campus resources and support services.