June Sangapore Associate Dean for Student Success and Retention
June is a member of the leadership team for Division of Professional and Graduate
Studies participating in all its strategic planning meetings and activities. June
oversees the admission and enrollment processes including transfer credit and graduation
eligibility. She is responsible for the oversight of the Student Services Department
which includes the academic advising staff, assistant registrar, and support staff
for the division. June has been with Albertus Magnus College since 2005.
June Sangapore can be reached at jsangapore@albertus.edu
Bonnie Dingus has been with Albertus Magnus College since 2004. In 2009 she was appointed
Director of Curriculum Services at New Dimensions, overseeing the support of course
guides, textbook selection, and instructional technology.
As the Director of Curriculum Services, Bonnie works with the Dean, Department Chairs
and Directors, supporting curriculum development and evaluation processes for Division
of Professional and Graduate Studies. In addition, Bonnie oversees the support systems
and processes related to program and course development, application of instructional
technology, learning resources, and textbook materials order and delivery for programs
in the division.
Bonnie can be reached at bdingus@albertus.edu.

Bonnie Dingus Director of Curriculum Services

Sharon Shuffitt Director of Academic Services
Sharon is a member of the leadership team of Division of Professional and Graduate
Studies with direction and oversight of the administration of academic services for
the Division's programs, especially relative to off-campus sites. Along with involvement
in the Division's strategic planning, she primarily oversees and supports systems,
policies, and processes related to part-time instructor recruitment, selection, orientation,
assignment, evaluation, mentoring, development, and payment. Sharon has been with
Albertus Magnus College since 2001.
Sharon can be reached at sshuffitt@albertus.edu.
Amy has been with Albertus Magnus College since 2004. Before joining Division of Professional
and Graduate Studies as an academic advisor in 2008, Amy worked in the Career Center
at Albertus. Currently, Amy advises undergraduate students before they declare a
Amy's advice for adult learners is to follow her golden rule that "Timing is everything",
whether for registration, add/ drop periods, or most importantly staying on track
with academic work. Since our module classes are accelerated over eight weeks, it
is most important to keep up with course work demands.
Amy believes that "In applying to and being admitted to a degree program, our adult
students have chosen to be part of a supportive academic community where they can
pursue academic and career goals." To take the journey with students as they travel
this path is an honor to Amy, and she invites her students to contact her with any
questions or concerns. Helping students to complete their degree is her number one
Amy can be reached at awilson@albertus.edu.

Amy Wilson Academic Advisor

Nancy Albee Academic Advisor
Nancy has been with Albertus Magnus College since 2004. She worked in the Division
of Accelerated Degree Program office as a work-study, during the summer and Christmas
breaks, while she was a student, then started as a part-time employee after graduation
in 2007 and continued until 2010. Nancy re-joined in December 2010 as a Recruitment
Coordinator, and became an Academic Advisor in Division of Professional and Graduate
Studies in July 2012. Currently her advisee's are students whose last names start
with M-Z.
Nancy knows what it takes to succeed, having earned both her Associates degree, and
her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration for Albertus Magnus College. She
believes that, "one key to a successful College career is Communication. If you have
any questions, an issue or a concern, call or email your advisor/professor/fellow
students. Also, check your Albertus email regularly. Up to date information from
the school, from your professor or from Division of Professional and Graduate Studies
is sent via email".
Nancy can be reached at nealbee@albertus.edu.
Melissa joined the College as an academic advisor in May 2011. One of her special
responsibilities is to administer the DSST exams. Melissa enjoys working with students
of all ages as they are completing their goal of earning a college degree. She especially
admires adult learners because they have made the choice to take time out of their
busy life to return to school. She has been there herself, and knows how challenging
it can be!
Melissa can be reached at mlaskowski@albertus.edu

Melissa Laskowski Academic Advisor
 Melanie Hellwig Academic Advisor
Melanie joined the college as an Academic Advisor in April 2012. She has worked with
adult learners for the past four years, both as a caseworker at a non-profit literacy
center and as a college admissions counselor. She enjoys getting to know students
as they complete their educational programs, and she finds great satisfaction helping
our adult students reach their goal of obtaining a college degree.
Melanie can be reached at mhellwig@albertus.edu