Applying for Accommodations

Upon acceptance at Albertus Magnus, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the College of any disability for which they require reasonable accommodations. This process begins with the completion of the Application for Accommodations, which should be completed by the student and provide detailed requests for accommodations.

Once the application is completed, each student will meet with the Office of Disability Services for an individual intake meeting. As no student is the same, so to no disability manifests in the same way. Through the interactive process, the Office will work with each student to determine their unique needs and appropriate accommodations.

Process for Applying for New Accommodations

  1. Begin by contacting the Office of Disability Services to schedule an intake appointment by contacting the office at either or by phone at 203-672-6671. Appointments are best made over the summer or prior to your first semester/module.
  2. Obtain appropriate and current documentation relevant to your disability. Refer to the Documentation Guidelines for more information.
  3. Complete and submit the Application for Accommodations
  4. Attend your intake appointment, which can be in person, over the phone, or over Zoom as needed.
    1. During your intake appointment, it is important to actively participate to ensure that appropriate accommodations are considered.


In addition to the intake meeting, and along with the application for accommodations, students are asked to provide documentation that supports their need for accommodations. Documentation may come in a variety of forms, but the College is generally seeking the following:

  1. Signed documentation from a licensed provider, who has treated the student recently and is qualified to provide information about the student’s condition(s). Recency will be considered depending on the disability and whether it can be expected to change over time.
    1. Documentation should confirm a diagnosis that the student may be eligible for accommodations for.
    2. Describe the impact of the diagnosis on daily life.
    3. Describe what accommodations may be beneficial.
    4. Be written in or translated into English.
    5. Documentation cannot be provided by an immediate family member.
  2. In some cases, the College will seek a detailed Neuropsychological Examination. When determining accommodation eligibility, an updated neuropsychological examination (taken within the last 2-4 years) will be required. This is to give the Office of Disability Services a better insight into the student and their particular needs.

While a past IEP or 504 plan will be welcome in providing historical information and a view of the student from the High School level, IEPs and 504 Plans are not enough documentation to solely decide accommodation needs.

Please review our Documentation Guidelines for detailed information on specific disabilities and suggested documentation.

Please use this Provider Form to obtain information from your provider(s) (Doctor, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Therapist, etc.). You can receive documentation from multiple providers as needed.

Grievance Procedures

Albertus Magnus College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to all qualifying students. If you have a concern about an accommodation request that was denied or only partially approved, you can file an appeal by contacting the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs. All appeals must be filed within five (5) business days of notice of denial/partial approval. Please provide a succinct reason for the appeal, as well as any supporting documentation that supports your appeal. The Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs will review the appeal and make their decision known to the student and, if an accommodation is suggested, the Office of Disability Services.