Student Health Requirements

In the event of an emergency, on-campus students should call campus security at (203) 507-5204.

Off-campus students should go to their local emergency room or call 9-1-1.

All new and transfer students to the traditional undergraduate program are required to complete and submit:

  • The Student Health Form Packet
  • A copy of their valid insurance card (front and back). Please advise our office if you are enrolling in the insurance plan offered through Albertus Magnus College. Your card will be ready in August and January for Fall and Spring Semesters, respectively.


Requirements should be submitted by July 14th for fall semester and January 3rd for spring semester. Failure to submit required documentation will result in a hold on the student's account.

We recommend that you keep a copy of all forms for your records.

Physical Exam

Each student must have completed a physical exam within the last year.

Required Immunizations

In the past several years, there have been outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases on college campuses throughout the United States. Ensuring all students are in compliance with health requirements keeps our students and campus community healthy.

Prior to coming to campus:

  • MMR (Measles, Mumps Rubella) Immunization - If you were born after 12/31/1956, you must provide proof of
    • Two doses of MMR vaccine (one after your first birthday and one at least 28 days later) OR
    • Two doses of separate Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccines (the first dose on your first birthday and the second dose at least 28 days later)
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox) Immunization - If you were born after 12/31/1979, you must provide proof of
    • Two doses of Varicella vaccine (one after your first birthday and the second at least 12 weeks after the first dose (ages 1-12) and at least 4 weeks after the first dose if 13 years or older)

Prior to living on campus or participating in Athletics:

  • Meningitis (MCV4) Immunization - for A,C,Y,W-135
    • PRIMARY AND BOOSTER DOSE OF MCV4. The most recent dose must be within 5 years of the first day on campus.
    • Students who have their first MCV4 at age 16 or older need one dose within 5 years of the first day on campus.

Turberculosis (TB) Screeening

All students complete the TB Risk Assessment Questionnaire. Additional follow-up is determined based on risk, see form for details.